Über BioTeSys
Studienbegleitende Analytik
Analytik für Produktentwicklungen
Methodenentwicklung und Validierung
Inhaltsstoffbezogene Analytik
In vitro Testsysteme
Biokompatibilität und Normverfahren
Kosmetik und Hautpflege
Darm und Schleimhäute
Metabolismus und Energiestatus
Gefäßsysteme und Allergien
Zelluläre Testsysteme
Physiologische Endpunkte
Partikelmessungen mit Dynamic Light Scatter (DLS)
Antioxidative Kapazität
Nutritional CRO
Datenmanagement und Statistik
Medical Writing
Botanicals & OTC
Kosmetika & Oral Care
Biologische und chemische Inhaltsstoffe
Einen kompletten Überblick über die Fachgebiete von BioTeSys finden Sie hier.
Studienbegleitende Analytik
Analytik für Produktentwicklungen
Methodenentwicklung und Validierung
Inhaltsstoffbezogene Analytik
In vitro Testsysteme
Biokompatibilität und Normverfahren
Kosmetik und Hautpflege
Darm und Schleimhäute
Metabolismus und Energiestatus
Gefäßsysteme und Allergien
Zelluläre Testsysteme
Physiologische Endpunkte
Partikelmessungen mit Dynamic Light Scatter (DLS)
Antioxidative Kapazität
Nutritional CRO
Datenmanagement und Statistik
Medical Writing
Botanicals & OTC
Kosmetika & Oral Care
Biologische und chemische Inhaltsstoffe
Über BioTeSys
Kontakt & Beratung
Study Nurse (m/w/d) / Arzthelfer(in) / Medizinische Fachangestellter o.ä. gesucht
20 Jahre BioTeSys GmbH - Ein doppelter Grund zum Feiern!
PathChip: mobiles miniaturisiertes Testsystem
Sommerempfang BioRegio STERN
Zweiarmiger Roboter optimiert Produktion von Nanopartikeln
Veranstaltung: BioTeSys auf der EUROTOX 2017 in Bratislava
BioTeSys GmbH erfolgreich im Bereich Charakterisierung und Sicherheitsbewertung von diagnostischen und therapeutischen Nanopartikeln als Partner in einem KMU-NetC-Verbund aus dem Förderbereich Bereichen Kommunikation, Luftfahrt und Fertigungstechnologien
Analysis of the machinery and intermediates of the 5hmC-mediated DNA demethylation pathway in aging on samples from the MARK-AGE Study.
Effect of consumption of chicory inulin on bowel function in healthy subjects with constipation
Age-dependent expression of DNMT1 and DNMT3B in PBMCs from a large European population enrolled in the MARK-AGE study.
Quality control data of physiological and immunological biomarkers measured in serum and plasma.
MARK-AGE biomarkers of ageing.
MARK-AGE standard operating procedures (SOPs): A successful effort.
Mathematical modelling of the automated FADU assay for the quantification of DNA strand breaks and their repair in human peripheral mononuclear blood cells.
High-resolution quantitative metabolome analysis of urine by automated flow injection NMR.
The automated FADU-assay, a potential high-throughput in vitro method for early screening of DNA breakage.
A.B.O.S. a novel data analysis tool evaluating complex data out of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry
Reduced muscular fatigue after a 12-week leucine-rich amino acid supplementation
Effects of a systemic enzyme therapy in healthy active adults after exhaustive eccentric exercise: a randomised, two-stage, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial
Effects of Mangifera indica (Careless) on Microcirculation and Glucose Metabolism in Healthy Volunteers
Effect of Two Different Multimicronutrient Supplements on Vitamin D Status in Women of Childbearing Age: A Randomized Trial
Nutritional Biomarkers of Aging
MARK-AGE population: From the human model to new insights
Joint health: What degree of evidence is necessary to support health claims for food supplements, taking glucosamine as an example?
Health Claims for Food Supplements and Degree of Evidence
Plasmolysed herbal yeast (Strath®) improves micronutrient bioavailability – An in vitro study using Caco-2 intestinal epithelial cells
Effects of lemon verbena extract (Recoverben®) supplementation on muscle strength and recovery after exhaustive exercise: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial
Antioxidants linked with physical, cognitive and psychological frailty: Analysis of candidate biomarkers and markers derived from the MARK-AGE study
Absorption of Hydroxytyrosol from Different Sources and its Impact on Lipid Status in Human Subjects
Blood glucose response after oral intake of lactulose in healthy volunteers: A randomized, controlled, cross-over study
Aloysia citriodora extract targeting sports nutrition. In vitro study on anti-inflammatory effects by cyclooxygenases inhibition
Effects of an L-arginine-based multi ingredient product on endothelial function in subjects with mild to moderate hypertension and hyperhomocysteinemia - a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial
The effectiveness of daily supplementation with 400 or 800 µg/day folate in reaching protective red blood folate concentrations in non-pregnant women: a randomized trial
In Vitro Activation of eNOS by Mangifera indica (Careless™) and Determination of an Effective Dosage in a Randomized, Double-Blind, Human Pilot Study on Microcirculation.
Using mid infrared technology as new method for the determination of the dwell time of salivary substitutes on three dimensional gingiva models
Wissenschaftliche Absicherung von Health Claims. Eine Bestandsaufnahme
Perilla extract improves gastrointestinal discomfort in a randomized placebo controlled double blind human pilot study
The use of total antioxidant capacity as surrogate marker for food quality and its effect on health is to be discouraged
Physiological effects of oral glucosamine on joint health: current status and consensus on future research priorities
Investigation of a Perilla frutescens special extract – Anti-inflammatory and immune-modulatory properties
Essenzielle Mikronährstoffe zur Verbesserung des Versorgungsstatus bei gesunden Probanden
Macular pigment and fixation after macular translocation surgery
Regulatory effects of a fermented food concentrate on immune function parameters in healthy volunteers
[Anti-inflammatory action of a hyaluronic acid-chondroitin sulfate preparation in an in vitro bladder model]
Investigation of niacin on parameters of metabolism in a physiologic dose: randomized, double-blind clinical trial with three different dosages
[An improved model of a catheterised human bladder for screening bactericidal agents]
The application of normal, SV40 T-antigen-immortalised and tumour-derived oral keratinocytes, under serum-free conditions, to the study of the probability of cancer progression as a result of environmental exposure to chemicals
Vitamin A and beta-carotene supply of women with gemini or short birth intervals: a pilot study
An interlaboratory comparison of methods used to assess antioxidant potentials
Comparison of the relative bioavailability of different coenzyme Q10 formulations with a novel solubilizate (Solu Q10)
Fenugreek+micronutrients: Efficacy of a food supplement against hair loss
Kinetische Profile von Folsäure im Vergleich: Depotformulierung führt zu konstanteren Serumspiegeln
A new Coenzyme Q10 tablet-grade formulation (all-Q) is bioequivalent to Q-Gel and both have better bioavailability properties than Q-SorB
In vitro reproduction of clinical hallmarks of eczematous dermatitis in organotypic skin models
Pilot study on the effect of parenteral vitamin E on ischemia and reperfusion induced liver injury: a double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial
Determination of the antioxidant capacity of an antioxidant combination using the fluoroscan assay in vitro and visualization of its effects using histological methods
Effects of 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine and kojic acid on cocultures and skin equivalents composed of HaCaT cells and human melanocytes
3,4-Dihydroxymandelic acid, a noradrenalin metabolite with powerful antioxidative potential
Expression of retinoid-related genes in serum-free cultures of normal, immortalized and malignant human oral keratinocytes
Photoprotection of UV-irradiated human skin: an antioxidative combination of vitamins E and C, carotenoids, selenium and proanthocyanidins
Protective effects of vitamins C and E on the number of micronuclei in lymphocytes in smokers and their role in ascorbate free radical formation in plasma
The Synergistic Antioxidate Effect of Ascorbyl 2-Phosphate and Alpha-Tocopheryl Acetate
Carotenoid:methyl-beta-cyclodextrin formulations: an improved method for supplementation of cultured cells
Effects of Yeast (1,3)-(1,6)-Beta-Glucan on Severity of Upper Respiratory Tract Infections: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study in Healthy Subjects
Bioavailability Study of Maqui Berry Extract in Healthy Subjects
Effects of an Oil-Free Hydroethanolic Pumpkin Seed Extract on Symptom Frequency and Severity in Men with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: A Pilot Study in Humans
Postprandial Effects of a Proprietary Milk Protein Hydrolysate Containing Bioactive Peptides in Prediabetic Subjects
A Novel Self-Emulsifying Drug Delivery System (SEDDS) Based on VESIsorb® Formulation Technology Improving the Oral Bioavailability of Cannabidiol in Healthy Subjects
Dietary and lifestyle predictors of folate insufficiency in non-supplemented German women
Zinc-Induced Metallothionein in Centenarian Offspring From a Large European Population: The MARK-AGE Project
Protection against Tetanus and Diphtheria in Europe: The impact of age, gender and country of origin based on data from the MARK-AGE Study
Artificial intelligence identified peptides modulate inflammation in healthy adults
A liquid phospholipid formulation of a Curcumin extract with high concentration of phosphatidylcholine (PHOSAL® Curcumin) improves the transport of Curcuminoids across Caco-2 intestinal epithelial cells
Plasma Kinetics of Choline and Choline Metabolites After A Single Dose of SuperbaBoostTM Krill Oil or Choline Bitartrate in Healthy Volunteers
Sauerkirschen-Extrakte als leistungssteigernde Mittel auf dem Prüfstand
LDL-cholesterol lowering effect of hydroxytyrosol (HTEssence®): A randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel study
Pharmacokinetics of Sodium and Calcium Salts of (6S)-5-Methyltetrahydrofolic Acid Compared to Folic Acid and Indirect Comparison of the Two Salts.
Evaluation of a Food Supplement with Collagen Hydrolysate and Micronutrients on Skin Appearance and Beauty Effects: A Randomized, Double-Blind, PlaceboControlled Clinical Study with Healthy Subjects
Grape Seed Extract Positively Modulates Blood Pressure and Perceived Stress: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study in Healthy Volunteers
Self-rated health in individuals with and without disease is associated with multiple biomarkers representing multiple biological domains
Evaluation and Validation of a Joint Stress Test to Induce Activity-Related Knee Joint Discomfort - a Prospective Case-Control Study
Ageing affects subtelomeric DNA methylation in blood cells from a large European population enrolled in the MARK-AGE study
A Food Supplement with Antioxidative Santa Herba Extract Modulates Energy Metabolism and Contributes to Weight Management
Microbiome in Blood Samples From the General Population Recruited in the MARK-AGE Project: A Pilot Study
New Self-Assembling Formulation Technology Improves Transepithelial Transport of Curcuminoids in Vitro and is Capable to Support the Rising Wishes for Sustainable Vegan Nutrition
Age, Sex, and BMI Influence on Copper, Zinc, and Their Major Serum Carrier Proteins in a Large European Population Including Nonagenarian Offspring From MARK-AGE Study
Do low molecular weight antioxidants contribute to the Protection against oxidative damage? The interrelation between oxidative stress and low molecular weight antioxidants based on data from the MARK-AGE study
Habitual Choline Intakes across the Childbearing Years: A Review
A Synbiotic Formulation Comprising Bacillus subtilis DSM 32315 and L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine Improves Intestinal Butyrate Levels and Lipid Metabolism in Healthy Humans
UC-II Undenatured Type II Collagen for Knee Joint Flexibility: A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Study
UC-II® Undenatured Type II Collagen Reduces Knee Joint Discomfort and Improves Mobility in Healthy Subjects: A Randomized, Double- Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Study
Enhanced Oral Bioavailability of β-Caryophyllene in Healthy Subjects Using the VESIsorb® Formulation Technology, a Novel Self-Emulsifying Drug Delivery System (SEDDS)
Synbiotic Compositions of Bacillus megaterium and Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Salt Enable Self-Sufficient Production of Specialized Pro-Resolving Mediators
Circulating cell-free DNA in health and disease — the relationship to health behaviours, ageing phenotypes and metabolomics
Association between Maternal Choline, Fetal Brain Development, and Child Neurocognition: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Human Studies
An exploratory study on the effect of choline and folate deficiency on levels of vascularization proteins and transcription factors in first trimester trophoblast HTR-8/SVneo cells
Associations of circulating GDF15 with combined cognitive frailty and depression in older adults of the MARK-AGE study
Comparison of the Hologic Genius Digital Diagnostics System with the ThinPrep Imaging System-A retrospective assessment
Skin penetration of active folate salts and their effects on wound healing in vitro: new approaches for dermal folate application
Uncovering the Relationship between Selenium Status, Age, Health, and Dietary Habits: Insights from a Large Population Study including Nonagenarian Offspring from the MARK-AGE Project
Association of Torquetenovirus Viremia with Physical Frailty and Cognitive Impairment in Three Independent European Cohorts
Bacterial DNAemia in Older Participants and Nonagenarian Offspring and Association With Redox Biomarkers: Results From MARK-AGE Study