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BioTeSys – Nutritional CRO & Test laboratory

BioTeSys has been securing and testing your biological and chemical products as well as supporting you on questions related to bioactive ingredients for over 20 years now.

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Specialist in evaluating efficiencies, effects and tolerance of foods, cosmetics and medical devices

BioTeSys analysis bioavailability and (potencial) effects in different matrices and product groups such as foods, botanicals, OTC, cosmetics, medical devices and chemicals.

Charles E. Ragus Award!

Christiane Schön and Tanita Dharsono received the "Charles E. Ragus Award" for the outstanding paper “Effects of Yeast (1,3)-(1,6)-Beta-Glucan on Severity of Upper Respiratory Tract Infections: A DoubleBlind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study in Healthy Subjects” appeared January 2019 in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition.

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Genotoxicity: In vitro safety tests

The determination of potential genotoxic effects is an essential component of the safety assessment. BioTeSys offers a specific animal testing-free package for detecting the endpoints chromosome damage and DNA strand breaks.

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20 years BioTeSys GmbH – Two reasons to celebrate!

BioTeSys GmbH celebrates its 20th anniversary and has won Mrs Christiane Schön, long-standing authorised signatory and head of the "Nutritional CRO" department, over for the position of a second managing director.

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Allègement fiscal pour les travaux de R&D des partenaires français de BioTeSys

L’entreprise BioTeSys GmbH est agréée au titre du crédit d’impôt recherche, CIR, par le Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation, en qualité d’organisme prestataire de services en R&D. Nos clients français bénéficient d’un allègement fiscal allant jusqu’à 30% des dépenses engagées en recherche et développement dans le cadre de leur projet.

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CANNABIS-NET: a German-Canadian research and development cooperation

BioTeSys is involved in the "Medical phytocannabinoid-rich (PCR) Cannabis" project. Goal of this project, initiated by an international research network of research facilities and companies in Germany an Canada, is to lead new developments and innovations with the aim to improve the field of medical application of cannabis and PCR cannabis.

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Bioeconomy is the biobased, sustainable economy based on the efficient use of biological resources such as plants, animals and microorganisms. Part of the public is concerned when it comes to the use of genetic engineering or nanoparticles in foods, cosmetics etc. BioTeSys tests those new products concerning tolerance.

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