BioTeSys GmbH
Schelztorstrasse 54-56
73728 Esslingen
Phone: +49 (0) 711/31 05 71-50
Fax: +49 (0) 711/31 05 71-51
E-Mail: bts@biotesys.de
Responsible CEO: Dr. Jürgen Bernhardt
Register court and number: Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HR 213831
Value-added tax identification number: DE 205 868 890
Concept & text: BioTeSys GmbH
Design & technical realization: team:orange GmbH
Copyright images: BioTeSys GmbH, Serghei, Velusceac/Fotolia, Tim UR/Fotolia, akulamatiau/Fotolia, Max, Tactic/Fotolia, Doc RaBe/Fotolia, itestro/Fotolia, psdesign1/Fotolia, Dzianis Rakhuba/Fotolia
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Applicable law: This internet offering is exclusively covered by German law.